Entwicklungstheorie von heute – Entwicklungs­politik von morgen

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The future of the 21st century will be decided on the core issues of environment and inequality. Development policy is still timid in its response to these challenges. To a large extent, it continues to be committed to the growth imperative and tries to shape the world according to the Western face. However, climate change, environmental degradation and growing global inequalities make it increasingly clear that this path leads to a dead end for all of humanity.

The volume therefore focuses on ecological and social issues. It links and analyzes these issues beyond growth and Eurocentrism, discusses impulses from development theory and compares empirical findings from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The book thus offers numerous suggestions for the future of the theory and politics of development in the Global North and the Global South.

Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Stefan Peters, Nico Weinmann – Entwicklungstheorie von heute – Entwicklungspolitik von morgen 1. Auflage. Nomos: 2017, 978-3-8487-2613-4. ISBN online: 978-3-8452-6734-0; https://doi.org/10.5771/9783845267340.

Available at Nomos-Shop.