Trabajo decente y Sociedad. Cuba bajo la óptica de los estudios sociolaborales

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The Cuban labor market has been undergoing far-reaching structural change for several years, which is of central importance for the future development of the island. Despite the high relevance of the changes in labor policy, there have been hardly any social science analyses to date that reflect these recent dynamics and offer suggestions for the further course of reform.

This anthology addresses this gap. The new publication describes the various social and labor policy challenges facing Cuba and offers suggestions on how the current reform process could be continued in a socially acceptable, effective and consistent manner. In addition to a classification of Cuba’s labor policies in a regional comparison and a debate on what potential the international concept of `decent work ́ holds for Cuba, other contributions provide an overview of the current status of economic reforms, address the situation of state-owned enterprises and the prospects for cooperativism, analyze the position of young people in the private employment sector, and discuss the phenomenon of informal work.

The publication impresses with other aspects of its content: The contributions are equally convincing with theoretical depth and empirical analyses and provide a realistic insight into current processes and challenges of the Cuban labor world. The majority of the volume’s authors conduct research on the island, thus providing us with an internal perspective, the lack of which often distorts many analyses on Cuba. This pioneering work is therefore not only aimed at academics, but also at political actors and interested readers who want to learn more about the reality in Cuba.

Burchardt, H.-J. & Izquierdo Quintana, O. (2018). Trabajo decente y Sociedad: Cuba bajo la óptica de los estudios sociolaborales. Universidad de La Habana.

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