
Short – Bio

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt is Chair of the Department of International and Inter-Society Relations at the University of Kassel. He has many years of experience with joint projects and international cooperation. He was and is project leader of several university partnerships in Argentina, Chile, Cuba and Venezuela and has conducted various research projects in Latin America. As German director of CALAS - Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies, he is in charge of four Latin American regional centers at universities of excellence and is director of the Kassel Latin America Center CELA. For more than 15 years he has been researching questions of international environmental and raw materials policy, North-South relations, sustainability and development theory with a focus on Latin America..

Main Areas of Research

• North-South relations
• Environmental, labor and social regimes in an international perspective
• Democracy, wealth and social inequality,
• Sustainability, development theory and policy

Regional focus: Latin America

Recent Publications

    • Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann, N. (Eds.)(2017). Entwicklungstheorie von heue: Entwicklungspolitik von morgen.
    • Peters, S. & Burchardt, H.-J. (Eds.)(2017). Umwelt und Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive: Ressourcen – Konflikte – Degrowth.
    • Peters, S., Burchardt, H.-J. & Öhlschläger, R. (Eds.)(2015). Geschichte wird gemacht: Vergangenheitspolitik und Erinnerungskulturen in Lateinamerika.
    • Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (Eds.)(2015). Der Staat in globaler Perspektive. Zur Renaissance der Entwicklungsstaaten. Campus.
        • Burchardt, H.-J. & Leinius, J.(2022): Of Archipelagic Connections and Postcolonial Divides. In Burchardt, H.-J. & Leinius, J. (Eds.). (Post-)colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines (2-19). The University of Michigan Press: Michigan
        • Burchardt, H.-J.(2022): Lessons Learned The Legacies of Spanish Colonialism.
          In Burchardt, H.-J. & Leinius, J. (Eds.). (Post-)colonial
          Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines (324-357). The University of Michigan Press: Michigan
        • Ramos Padrón, R. & Burchardt, H.-J. (2021). “Coronizando el
          futuro: La desigualdad en los tiempos de la pandemia”. In Gutiérrez Cham, G., Herrera Lima, S. & Kemner J. (Eds.). Pandemia y crisis: El COVID19 en América Latina. (348 – 374). Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara: Mexico.
        • Burchardt, H.-J. (2018). How Spinoza and Elias Help to Decenter Our Understanding of Development: A Methodical Research Proposal on the Pluriverse. In Reiter, B. (Ed.). Constructing the Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge, (pp. 285-320). Duke University Press.
        • Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (2017). Der Neo-Extraktivismus in Lateinamerika nach dem Rohstoffboom, In Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Umwelt und Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive: Ressourcen – Konflikte – Degrowth (pp. 33-59). Campus.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (2017). Umwelt und Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive. In Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Umwelt und Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive: Ressourcen – Konflikte – Degrowth (pp. 7-31). Campus.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2017). Entwicklung dezentrieren! Theorie über den Eurozentrismus hinaus. In Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann, N. (Eds.). Entwicklungstheorie von heute: Entwicklungspolitik von morgen (pp. 273-294). Nomos.
          • Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann, N. (2017). Entwicklungstheorie von heute – Entwicklungspolitik von morgen. In Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann , N. (Eds.). Entwicklungstheorie von heute: Entwicklungspolitik von morgen (pp. 17-47). Nomos.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2017). Auf der Suche nach dem Staat im Globalen Süden: oder wie man postkoloniale Analysen systematisieren kann. In Jentges, E. (Ed). Das Staatsverständnis von Norbert Elias (pp. 197-215). Nomos.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2016). El neo-extractivismo en el siglo XXI. Que podemos aprender de del ciclo de desarrollo más reciente en América Latina? In Burchardt, H.-J., Domínguez, R., Larrea, C. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Nada dura para siempre: Neo-Extractivismo tras el boom de las materias primas (pp. 55-87). UASB-ICDD.
          • Burchardt, H.-J., Domínguez, R., Larrea, C. & Peters, S. (2016). Introducción. In Burchardt, H.-J., Domínguez, R., Larrea, C. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Nada dura para siempre: Neo-Extractivismo tras el boom de las materias primas (pp. 55-87). UASB-ICDD.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (2015). Geschichte wird gemacht. Vergangenheitspolitik und Erinnerungskulturen in Lateinamerika. In Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. & Öhlschläger, R. (Eds.). Geschichte wird gemacht! Vergangenheitspolitiken und Erinnerungskulturen in Lateinamerika (pp. 7-12). Nomos.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (2015). Der Staat in globaler Perspektive. Zur Renaissance der Entwicklungsstaaten. In Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Der Staat in globaler Perspektive. Zur Renaissance der Entwicklungsstaaten (pp. 7-36). Campus.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2015). Von der begrenzten Reformfähigkeit des Rentier-Staates. In Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Der Staat in globaler Perspektive. Zur Renaissance der Entwicklungsstaaten (pp. 175-194). Campus.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (2015). Anregungen für eine Staatsforschung in globaler Perspektive. In Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Der Staat in globaler Perspektive. Zur Renaissance der Entwicklungsstaaten (pp. 175-194). Campus.
          • Burchardt, H.-J., Warnecke-Berger, H. & Dietz, K.(2023): The Failure of (Neo-)Extractivism in Latin America – Explanations and Future Challenges. In: Third World Quarterly, online
            https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2023.2203380; DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2023.2203380
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2023): Lateinamerika: Rohstoffausbeutung in grün? In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 4 (107-114). Berlin: Blätter Verlag
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2021): Von der Corona- zur Klimakrise: Wer trägt die Lasten für eine bessere Zukunft?, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 66 (2021), 12; Blätter Verlag, Berlin, S. 65-74
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2021): COVID-19 en América Latina: la perspectiva más allá de la pandemia, in MINGA, Año 4, Número 5, Primer semestre 2021, Cochabamba, Bolivien. [PDF]
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2021): La Desigualdad en los Tiempos de Corona: Retos y Perspectivas. In Ackermann, John M; Gallegos, René Ramíres; Zaragoza, Miguel Ángel Ramírez (Eds). Pos-COVID/Pos-Neoliberalismo – Propuestas y Alternativas para la Transformación Social en Tiempos de Crisis, el mundo del siglo xxi, sociología y política. (165 – 180)
          • Burchardt, H.-J. & Izquierdo Quintana, O. (2017). Neoextractivismo y Desarrollo: Fortalezas y Límites. Revista Brasileira de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento 6(3): 340–67.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2017). Agrargenossenschaften in Kuba: Mit Angezogener Handbremse in die Zukunft. ZfSÖ: Zeitschrift für Sozialökonomie 54 (192/193): 40–48.
          • Burchardt, H.-J. (2016). Fidel Castro: ¿una leyenda a los 90 años? Nueva Sociedad 265: 5-13.
          • Prof. Dr. Burchardt at 3sat Kulturzeit: Über Nicolas Maduros Perspektiven, die Interessen Russlands und Chinas und die Rolle von Oppositionsführer Juan Guaidó. [Video]

          • Prof. Dr. Burchardt, Interview, ZDF heute Nachrichten und makro – das Wirtschaftsmagazin: Im Schatten der Wirtschaftsinteressen – Ökologie und Soziales werden beim G20-Treffen zu wenig beachtet. [PDF] [Video]

          • Book Exhibition Leipzig: Prof. Dr.  Burchardt at 3sat-Stand “Entwicklungstheorie von heute – Entwicklungstheorie von morgen”. [Video]

          • Prof. Dr. Burchardt, Interview, ZDF heute Nachrichten und makro – das Wirtschaftsmagazin: Armutsgefälle zwischen Nord und Süd –  Kein Mangel an Ressourcen, aber ungleiche Verteilung. [PDF] [Video]

          Research Projects

          In the context of high levels of social inequality, recent research in Latin America has mainly focused on the situation of the marginalized and the poor. However, the constitution and concentration of wealth in the hands of small economic elites remains largely unexplored. To cope with this lacuna, the CALAS-Project “Studying Wealth and the Elites” aims to comprehensively examine wealth and economic elites in Latin America.

          Firstly, the project takes up (classic) political economic considerations of wealth accumulation in Latin America. This includes the integration into the world market, the heterogeneity of national economies, and the frictions between different social groups. However, the research also promotes new empirical and comparative perspectives to provide a comprehensive map of wealth and economic elites in the region.

          Secondly, the study expands sociological analyses of economic elites in Latin America and their networks with targeting specific patterns of their reproduction. Therefore, the project establishes elites as a relational category and scrutinizes their political and economic strategies in relation to the state and other economic actors. While analysing economic elites, the research project explicitly examines lifestyles and consumption patterns, professional preferences and educational biographies, as well as family constellations.

          The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and part of the CALAS Laboratory of Knowledge “Confronting Social Inequalities: Perspectives on wealth and power”.

          Website: http://www.calas.lat/investigacion/desigualdad-social